[kde-edu]: Language an geography-ideas

Matthijs Sypkens Smit kde-edu@kde.org
Mon, 8 Apr 2002 10:36:59 +0100

On Monday 08 April 2002 05:36, Birgit Schulz wrote:

> For geography-learning may be KEduca can be used. E.g. learn the names
> of the most important rivers, cities, ... But for that a bigger picture
> is maybe needed.-> Diffrent for countries, states ...

I started een graphical geography-learning program in december last year.=
Unfortunately I had to put development on hold due to lack of time about =
months ago. See: http://matthijs.tux.nu/ktopo/. I have mentioned it a few=
times on de kde-edu mailing list. Since you mentioned such a program I=20
thought you might want to know about it.

The really big problem for me back then, which took too much time and mad=
working on it less fun, was finding a way to produce good-looking consist=
maps on various scales and around the world. I investigated quite some=20
GIS-software (see http://www.freegis.org/) but never really found what I =
looking for.

I thought this information might be of use to you.
