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<p>Dear fellow KDE mates,</p>
<p>it came to my attention that following the advice from <b>khelpcenter
</b>about the<b> khotkeys </b>(see bash lines below) is not a
good idea since the info given is in some concrete cases just
plain wrong and must lead to the user's confusion.<br>
Example: The German language khelpcenter advises users as follows:
"Dies betrifft auch Sonderzeichen. Um zum Beispiel das Zeichen @
mit einem US-Amerikanischen Tastatur einzugeben, tragen Sie
Shift+2 ein." (meaning: hit Shift+2 for the @ sign a.k.a.
"at-sign") which is incorrect on 99% of all keyboards. @ really is
<b>AltGr+Q</b> . This comes on top of khotkeys itself giving plain
wrong elucidations, since actual code-instruction literals were
put in German; e.g. "Umschalt+A", instead of keeping "Shift+A" as
the English word "Shift+A". Though this blatantly obvious, no one
seemed to have noted this.</p>
<p>If you give me a link to some git-repo or something, I can fix
those texts. Thank You! I am running a 2020 current KDE Neon
(i.e. Debian) distro.<br>
<p>I am referring to these bash instructions:</p>
<p><b>LANG="en" Â Â kcmshell5 khotkeys</b></p>
<p><b>/usr/bin/khelpcenter  <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="help:/kcontrol/khotkeys/index.html">help:/kcontrol/khotkeys/index.html</a> </b><br>
T.C. Hollingsworth <a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="mailto:tchollingsworth@gmail.com"><tchollingsworth@gmail.com></a><br>
<a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:kde-doc-english@kde.org">kde-doc-english@kde.org</a><br>
Übersetzung:    Burkhard Lück<br>
                Subhashish Pradhan <br>
Version                                Plasma 5.8 (2017-01-22)<br>
Copyright © 2011 Subhashish Pradhan<br>
Copyright © 2012 T.C. Hollingsworth</p>