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<font face="Arial">Dear sir, madam,<br>
Even after reading the Plasma manual, I still don' t understand
several things:<br>
How can I make a container on a desktop and how do I put shortcuts
(as Windows calls them) to programs in it?<br>
If I chose a program from the Kickoff menu, right click it>add
to desktop, it is placed on all 6 virtual desktops instead of only
the current one.<br>
If I add or remove a widget on the Mate desktop, which I have also
installed, it also appears on the plasma desktop and vice versa.
How can I prevent this?<br>
I hope you can help me, or at least write the solution to these
problems in the next update of the manual. <br>
If you like, I could do the dutch translation of it.<br>
kind regards,<br>
J. van Evert<br>