[kde-doc-english] kompare is sweet!!!!

Eric Reischer emr at engr.de.psu.edu
Tue Feb 15 19:04:41 CET 2005

This is so awesome.  A program with no documentation whatsoever, but 
regardless it looks pretty self-explanitory.  At long last, someone 
finally came up with a visual interface to the diff utility.  You can 
view comparisons of directories and apply or opt-out changes without 
having to go through a diff file line by line.  That's sweet!

<.......an hour later........>

[File->Save All]  Cool, so my changes should be applied to my 
destination tree now.  Oh wait, wtf, my destination tree is unmodified.  
Ok, maybe the source tree..........nope.  Ok, is there a diff file?  
Hrm....nope, perhaps this option here creates one.  Aah yes, a diff 
file.  No, wait, it's just a moron's interface to using the diff 
command, as the entire diff is there, not just the changes I selected.  
Ok, so I just wasted an hour playing around with a fancy GUI that does 
nothing???  Maybe there's something I'm doing wrong.  Let's look at the 
Help docs.

"Kompare is a program to view the differences between files."  <end help 

Wow.......I didn't know human beings were capable of being that insightful.

If the program is just a view utility, DON'T PUT A SAVE BUTTON ON IT TO 
Redmond-style eye-candy GUI that doesn't do anything, at least mention 
this SOMEWHERE or remove the Save button so that real programmers don't 
waste their time.  I'd offer to make some documentation for it, but it 
looks like the manpage is missing as well (granted, this may just be 
because the idiots over at RedHat don't know how to put together an OS, 
but let's not open up that wound).  KDE website?  Nope, same stupid 
message saying the documentation is incomplete, and that I should check 
the website for the most recent documentation (for further explanation 
of this circular-reference behavior, see JWZ's remarks on the CADT model 
-- http://www.livejournal.com/users/jwz/154529.html).

'nuff said.

P.S. -- Since I know people are going to be grumbling if I don't mention 
this, it's KDE "3.1.3-6.2 Red Hat" (whatever the hell they did to mess 
it up), and Kompare v2.1.

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