[Kde-cvs-announce] KDE 3.5 branched / KDE 4 development in trunk/KDE
Stephan Kulow
coolo at kde.org
Tue Jul 26 21:40:55 CEST 2005
I planned this to do a bit earlier, but was side tracked. So sorry for
the delay and for the announcement on short notice:
KDE 3.5 is no longer developed in /trunk, but in /branches/KDE/3.5,
KDE 4 development will start soon in /trunk (and move out of work/kde4).
For translations, nothing changed as /trunk/l10n is generated from
KDE 3.5 as planned.
If you want to continue with KDE 3.5 development, then you use
once svn switch $PROT://svn.kde.org/home/kde/branches/KDE/3.5/$MODULE
instead of svn update in $MODULE (no need to recheckout).
After writing this mail I will switch some trunk modules to use Qt4, so
don't be suprised if your trunk checkout will break heavily. This will be
a tough time as we transition between KDE 3 and KDE 4 and I hope that
tools like kdesvn-build will help you through it.
Please note though, that while KDE 3.5 is our next release, it's no longer
the main target: KDE 4 aka /trunk is. So when you want to continue with
KDE 3.5 development, make sure to also put your changes in /trunk.
Greetings, Stephan
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