Hey all, I wanted to document the source of a bug I just found the cause of and get some input on possible fixes.<br><br>The bug I noticed was that using qt 4.8 konversation stopped showing timestamps in the chat window. After discussing with Eike I realized the TimestampFormat in my konversationrc was getting saved by KConfigXT as the Combobox currentIndex (0, 1, or 2) instead of the currentText ("hh:mm", etc.) So I spent some time debugging in KCoreConfigSkeleton and KConfigDialogManager and found that KConfigDialogManager::property gets the property to save by using the following algorithm.<br>
<br>1) Check if the widget has a kcfg_property is set on the widget. If so, use that property's value as the property to record.<br>2) Check if the widget has a User property to save (This was not set in QComboBox in 4.7 but is set in 4.8 to the currentIndex property)<br>
3) Try casting to a combobox and use the current text if the combobox is editable, otherwise use the currentIndex<br><br>Anyone here can guess where the problem lies? So the question is should the USER property in QComboBox be currentIndex, and if so should we:<br>
a) change all our .ui files KComboBox, QComboBox widgets to have kcfg_property set if we want to save the currentText as the value of the config item.<br>b) change the algorithm in KConfigDialogManager somehow to do the right thing.<br>
<br>thoughts, opinions, etc. all welcome<br><br>Jeremy<br>