Hi all,<br><br>I have experimented a bad behavior on Dolphin. Right now, on Dolphin what we are doing is checking to:<br><br> if (KGlobalSettings::singleClick()) {<br> connect(this, SIGNAL(clicked(const QModelIndex&)),
<br> controller, SLOT(triggerItem(const QModelIndex&)));<br> } else {<br> connect(this, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(const QModelIndex&)),<br> controller, SLOT(triggerItem(const QModelIndex&)));
<br> }<br><br>From my point of view this should be reduced to:<br><br>connect(this, SIGNAL(activated(const QModelIndex&)), controller, SLOT(triggerItem(const QModelIndex&)));<br><br>The problem is on QStyle's flag:
<br><br><span class="q">QStyle::SH_ItemView_ActivateItemOnSingleClick.<br><br>If we run "kcmshell mouse" and set that we want items to be activated on Double Click, we need to update this flag, and do something like:
<br><br>CurrentStyle &= ~</span><span class="q">QStyle::SH_ItemView_ActivateItemOnSingleClick.<br><br>This way, all item views should behave the same way, and consistent with the user decision of activating on double click, not on single ones.
<br><br>We have a strong problem: we can't do this check at kstyle, since it technically shouldn't depend on kdelibs code.<br><br>The other solution is to take out the possibility of letting user choose double click. I fully agree with this last option if we can't assure the user that his/her decision will be applied on the whole system (not all system except, item views).
<br clear="all"></span><br><br>Bye,<br>Rafael Fernández López.