Personally, I would target the LSB 3.x. The minimum gcc supported is 3.4.4. The release notes ( <a href=""></a> ) specifically state:
<br><br>"However, in accordance with the roadmap published in August 2004 when
LSB 2.0 was released, LSB 3.0 requires a newer release of the
underlying ABI used for C++ support. For most vendors, this means that <strong>gcc 3.4</strong>
or later (actually, the minimum acceptable level is 3.4.4), or
compatible equivalent <span style="font-weight: bold;">must be</span> used, and any C++ application built with <strong>gcc 3.3</strong> or earlier must be recompiled."<br><br>I really can't see any vendors _not_ supporting at least gcc
3.4 (probably 4.x) by the time KDE 4 is released. If we want to, we can get things working with a broken and depreciated c++ compiler, but it doesn't seem worth the effort. Especially when it is in contradiction to the definition of the "standard" Linux system we can expect from end users at release.