KDE Review: Hash-o-Matic

Albert Astals Cid aacid at kde.org
Mon Oct 2 20:53:06 BST 2023

El diumenge, 1 d’octubre de 2023, a les 21:49:36 (CEST), Carl Schwan va 
> Hello,
> I started writting a small application to generate and compare files with
> their checksum two years. I piked it up again recently and I think this is
> now ready for a kde review.
> Features includes:
>  - Generate checksum from a file
>  - Compare two files
>  - Verify a file with a given checksum
>  - Verify a file with a given .sig file with GPG and show the signature info
> Here is the kde review checklist:
> https://invent.kde.org/utilities/hash-o-matic/-/issues/1
> It would be great if someone could create a product on bugs.kde.org and
> assign myself to the product.

This method of review is really sub-optiomal.

Who checked all those marks? There's no way to know.

Was it someone expert in the area? 

Was it someone that knows has no idea what the checks mean?

Or was it the submitter of review? If it's the submitter for review it's 
worthless (nothing against Carl, you're great) but one doesn't review their 
own MRs, so one shouldn't probably review this kind of checks either.

I'm abstaining from this review and any coming reviews due to the medium being 
worse that the old "Have an email thread on k-c-d".


> Cheers,
> Carl

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