Frameworks compiler and Qt requirements after Qt 5.7?

Mark Gaiser markg85 at
Fri Jun 26 15:24:50 BST 2015


If Qt's plans progress according to what they post on the mailinglist then
Qt 5.6 will be LTS, 5.7 will up the compiler requirements to the following:

GCC 4.7
Clang 3.2
MSVC 2012

Framework currently requires:
GCC 4.5
Clang 3.1
MSVC 2012

When frameworks started it had slightly less strict compiler requirements
then Qt had. But now that Qt is upping the compiler requirement, we should
follow as well. In fact, we should probably also update the Qt version
requirement which right now is at 5.2.

I have no clue when Qt 5.7 will be released, but i'm guessing around this
time next year. Frameworks currently is at version 5.11 (5.12 coming up).
If we add a year to that then frameworks is at version 5.24 when Qt 5.7 is
released (big guess!). So why don't we change our requirements starting
with frameworks 5.25 (nice number as well)? I'd propose changing it to the

Qt 5.7 minimal requirement
GCC 5.1 (or somewhere in 5.x)
Clang 3.6.1 (or perhaps even 3.7)
MSVC 2015

We then have full C++11 support across the board and much of C++14
supported as well. MSVC clearly being the limiting one in that area for the
C++14 support, but still quite decent.

Regarding the above version numbers for the compilers. They would now be
considered "cutting edge" but in a year time most distributions will be at
those versions or even newer.

What's your opinion on this?

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