KF5 Update Meeting Minutes 2014-w28

Mario Fux kde-ml at unormal.org
Tue Jul 8 17:05:40 BST 2014

Am Dienstag, 08. Juli 2014, 17.30:19 schrieb Kevin Ottens:
> Hello everyone,


> This is the minutes of the Week 28 KF5 meeting. As usual it has been held
> on #kde-devel at 4pm Paris time.


>  * unormal is looking forward to more mac CI results;
>  * the windows CI is a bit stuck;
>  * he'd like to see progress on the android CI;
>  * he'd like to see a donation button in KDE apps based on KF5 (developers
> could opt-out);
>  * he's thinking we should ask third party developers if they want to send
> us some information when they use a framework to create an app;

There was a small misunderstanding (probably based on my fatigue brain atm). 
Of course this interpretation would be nice as well I meant apps based on KF5 
and to get a channel to our users. Two way:
- Get to them if we need (financial) support or want to tell them about new 
version or other stuff
- They send us automatically and agreed upon data about their use of our apps.



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