Review Request: include KolorManager in kdegraphics

Daniel Nicoletti dantti85-dev at
Wed Mar 14 21:03:04 GMT 2012

> The wiki page somebody pointed to mentioned that colord is linux-only, while 

> oyranos also works on Windows and OSX.
> If we chose colord, how does our solution for Windows and OSX look like ?
> Does kolormanager work under Windows and OSX ?
> The wiki page somebody pointed to mentioned that colord is linux-only, while
> oyranos also works on Windows and OSX.
> If we chose colord, how does our solution for Windows and OSX look like ?
> Does kolormanager work under Windows and OSX ?
Imagine you put your software on OSX with windows/oxygen style wouldn't it look awful?

To have your application properly integrated there you need to integrate a bit
deeper sometimes, a plugable layer might be nice to have? not sure, and this is not what
is being proposed by any of the discussed solutions.

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