A potentially serious bug in KIO/kio_http and a possible patch ??

Dawit A adawit at kde.org
Sat Jul 17 18:11:10 BST 2010

On Saturday, July 17, 2010 12:19:31 Maksim Orlovich wrote:
> This patch looks wrong to me, as even in the limited case, you could
> potentially have the data that's already buffered fulfill the request
> entirely, can you not?

Nope and that is because in the limited case you already know the total size 
of the content you are downloading ; so you actually know there is still 
content left out there and readBuffered will do the right thing and send the 
total bytes read in that case. I also made sure the patch does not cause 
regression by checking if BR# 180631 works as before and it does...

The issue that caused the bug (180631) which you provided a fix for is a 
chunked transfer where you cannot not really know you have gotten the whole 
data until you receive EOF from the socket. To be frank, the patch is actually 
a small performance improvement fix and not the actual bug fix for the Gmail 
chat issue. The actual bug that causes that issue is somewhere in the  
KIO::Connection class ; the point which the second portion of the send data 
message never makes past. IOW, I actually discovered what readBuffered does by 
accident while hunting for the source of the chat issue...

> Will look at other stuff later in the evening... Though I must say I
> am impressed you could trace down anything gmail-related to such a low
> level.

Believe me it was not by choice and if I did not have the source code to add a 
lot of debug statements and see what is happening, I would never ever have 
attempted this... Plus, I use Gmail chat  on occasions and nothing is more 
motivating than when something you use breaks, right ;)

P.S. The patch I sent in the first email was incorrect. Make sure you try the 
second one I sent...

Dawit A.

> On 7/17/10, Dawit A <adawit at kde.org> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > The attached patch makes it possible for HTTPProtocol::readBuffered
> > function to
> > behaves differently when called from readLimited. This patch is intended
> > to address the issue of the Gmail chat functionality no longer working
> > in kdewebkit based browsers.
> > 
> > Though the patch fully addresses the aforementioned bug, it really does
> > not fix
> > the actual cause of this bug. So what is the actual cause ?  Well when
> > you log
> > in to Gmail, a check is preformed to see if the chat functionality is
> > enabled
> > or not.  This is done through a simple GET request that returns a 20 byte
> > response. At that point kio_http has read the header and few bytes of the
> > content as well, 3 bytes to be exact. kio_http stores these few bytes of
> > data
> > that are not part of the header in a buffer.
> > 
> > It then attempts to read the content and that is where the fun starts...
> > Because kio_http has received the actual size of the content it is
> > supposed to
> > read, it will use readLimited to get the content. readLimited in turn
> > calls readBuffered which, as a result of a fix for bug 180631, always
> > sends whatever
> > data was read ahead while retrieving the header above. This means the 3
> > bytes
> > above will be sent to the client first in our case. After that kio_http
> > retrieves and attempts to send the remaining 17 bytes. However, this last
> > portion never ever makes it to the client application. It seems to
> > disappear into the ether! Actually it never gets past
> > KIO::Connection::send and at this
> > point I cannot figure out why!
> > 
> > So why this patch then ?  Simple. If you followed what I attempted to
> > explain
> > above, you would see that it is very inefficient for kio_http to split a
> > 20 byte
> > data especially when it already knows the final size of the content it is
> > supposed to retrieve from the server ; so addressing that through this
> > patch should be no brainer. The fact that the Gmail chat issue gets
> > fixed as a result
> > is only a bonus at this point.
> > 
> > And hence my request...
> > 
> > #1. Can someone using KHTML verify whether or not the Gmail chat
> > functionality
> > works for them ? I cannot get Gmail to work with KHTML here ; so I am
> > unable to do this myself.
> > 
> > #2. Can someone tell me if there is a scenario where sending two MSG_DATA
> > requests in rapid succession might result in one of them being dropped ?
> > 
> > #3. Any objections, concerns, suggestions etc about the patch are
> > welcome.
> > 
> > Regards,
> > Dawit A.

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