[PATCH] New image loader (Softimage PIC)

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Fri Jan 15 22:18:52 GMT 2010

On January 14, 2010, Ruben Lopez wrote:
> ...and found nothing about coding style. Then I used the search box with
> "coding style" and finally found it. Now I understand that I could reach
> it from the "Policies" menu in the sidebar, but when you still don't
> know the web page, you tend to focus in the main content and let it
> guide you, ignoring sidebars.

ok, that was easy: i added a "Related" entry to the main page under 
"Development". can you take a look at techbase.kde.org and provide feedback on 
whether that may have helped you find the relevant info or not? thanks :)

Aaron J. Seigo
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