KNewStuff: Global Installation

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Mon Apr 26 09:13:16 BST 2010

On 26.04.10 09:32:55, Stefan Majewsky wrote:
> Am Sonntag, 25. April 2010 22:52:34 schrieb Andreas Pakulat:
> > Putting them into /usr/ is wrong as that'll clash with your
> > package-managers data and anything else needs extra setup steps in the
> > environment (like adding /usr/local to KDEDIRS).
> Wouldn't it be the right time to recommend to packages that they add 
> /usr/local to KDEDIRS? I want "cmake .. && make && sudo make install" to just 
> work. ATM I'm always setting my CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to /usr, which clashes 
> with package managers too.

I'm doing that (cmake .. ....) all the time and it works without any
problems. The only thing necessary is setup KDEDIRS _once_ in my shell
environment files that are read on logging in.


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