Bugreporting barrier is too low with the new Dr. Konqi

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Mon Nov 2 22:43:57 GMT 2009

On 02.11.09 19:01:07, Darío Andrés wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 1:47 PM, Andreas Pakulat <apaku at gmx.de> wrote:
> [...]
> May be I forgot some other suggestion...
> If you have any other idea in order to improve the process and reduce
> our work, please tell us :)

Thanks for the extensive information, indeed the KDE4.4 dialog sounds
like a major improvement already. The only suggestion I have from my
experience with KDevelop is that one could disable submitting a report
via Dr. Konqi to bugzilla if there's a duplicate found. However I do see
your point there that the user alone might not identify the situation

Ok, I guess I'll just try to live with what we get right now and hope
that distributions will ship the new KDevelop beta really soon so the
reports I've closed recently stop..

> > What can we do about this? I guess disabling Dr. Konqi is not an option, so
> > is someone working on getting something similar to the wizard you have to
> > go through when reporting at bugs.kde.org into Dr. Konqi?
> >
> You can disable DrKonqi automatic reporting process for your
> application if you like, just call the KAboutData->setBugAddress("");.
> I don't recomend such a thing as users won't know where to report
> normal bugs, and I don't think it is a good idea at all.....

I totally agree on this.


You have an unusual understanding of the problems of human relationships.

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