email obfuscation on mediawiki (was: Re: update the feature plan!)

Dominik Haumann dhdev at
Fri Jan 23 11:35:53 GMT 2009

On Thursday 22 January 2009, Andre Gemünd wrote:
> Dominik Haumann schrieb:
> > 2. obfuscate (html entities, is it mailto:<...> or can the mailto
> > itself even be obfuscated?
> Yes, the mailto can also be encoded. Doesn't matter though, because it's
> constant.
> I just wanted to add that obfuscating could be done easily by a
> mediawiki filter such as
> (uses the ascii
> code method)
> (replace
> address with Image)
> (image as well)
> Greetings
> André

All three look good. CCing danimo, as he's our admin guy :)
I'd prefer the obfuscation and make the names clickable instead additionally 
showing the addresses as an image. Needs less space and still all infos are 


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