Unable to compile kdelibs

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sat Sep 13 01:04:44 BST 2008

On 12.09.08 22:11:45, Alex Merry wrote:
> On Friday 12 September 2008 15:27:25 Julien Richard-Foy wrote:
> > Indeed, I have the automoc4 v0.9.84 through a debian package, but why is it
> > not overrided by the version I compiled myself ?
> Probably because your PATH is incorrect.  Try doing
> export PATH=/home/devel/kde/bin:$PATH
> before running cmakekde.  If that fixes it, you need to edit your .bashrc (or 
> other shell profile) to set the correct PATH.

If you look closer Julien already demonstrated that this is the case
(which tells this). However FindAutomoc4 doesn't use PATH at all, it
simply tries a couple of hardcoded and adjustable paths and tries to
find a Automoc4Config.cmake there. In particular unless one sets for
example CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH it'll search in /usr/lib and
/usr/lib/automoc4, which will contain the debian version.

So the solution is to set CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH at cmake time or as
environment variable to /home/devel/kde.


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