qt-copy patch for QDesktopServices to allow path kcm to work

Dan Meltzer parallelgrapefruit at gmail.com
Mon Dec 1 20:53:13 GMT 2008

On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 4:45 PM, Anne-Marie Mahfouf
<annemarie.mahfouf at free.fr> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a small qt-copy patch attached: it allows QDesktopServices to take
> care of the expanded var and thus it makes the kcm About Me -> Paths work
> correctly.
> KConfigGroup writes to the xdg config file and then KGlobalSettings uses
> QDesktopServices to read from this file when needed. But QDesktopServices
> falls back to default each time it encounters a line with [$e] in it and
> this small patch fixes it.
> Is it OK to add it? All other ways to fix this bug would add more code and I
> don't see a reasonable way anyway ;)

I'm not the worlds greatest expert on regular expressions.. but why do
you make the addition a group? wouldn't it be better to do
("^XDG_(.*)_DIR.*=(.*)$")) and that way it is not necessary to change
the line further on.
> Anne-Marie

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