Temporary KColorScheme change - hard-code some state colors

pinheiro nuno at oxygen-icons.org
Thu Sep 20 15:46:51 BST 2007

A Thursday 20 September 2007 12:44:10, Thomas Zander escreveu:
> On Monday 17 September 2007 14:16:56 pinheiro wrote:
> > > No, the hack to use the inactive control color palette for entire
> > > windows is just broken and can never be made to work properly.
> >
> > Plese explain me how come? sory coding is not my experties.
> Let me correct the statement from Richard at the top;  using the inactive
> color palette for whole applications is broken by design.
> There are lots of reasons for this, for example the window managers don't
> allow us to group windows together to mark them as a group.  Which is
> needed so the dockwidget (/helper window) is not marked as deactivated
> when focus moves to the mainwindow.
> For that reason alone Oxygen doesn't have a chance to do this correctly.
> As I stated in another thread; this stuff was designed to do things like
> change the selection color. And if you use it differently you can run
> into problems. If these problems are actual bugs is then open for
> interpretation :)

yes I agrea with you grouping of aplivations would be nice i used this quind 
of  feature under kompmgr a but way to much but i did liked it exept that wen 
a application had multiple windows it was a bit confusing, any way if we 
would do this it wuubd quite sutle and mostly unoteceble, the kind of sutle 
diference that would not create a fliquering efect and would keep the text  
completly readable and so one, well son invisible this thread would have 
never probaly start  :)  


core oxygen icon designer

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