Proposal for kdenonbeta cleanup.

Tom Albers tomalbers at
Sat Sep 8 19:59:58 BST 2007


Since we have the playground area's, the kdenonbeta folder should not be used anymore. So we need to clean it up. I feel the time has come to do this.

First I had the idea to approach each maintainer and see what the plan is with that application. But now I've looked closely at the contents of that folder, I decided it is not worth the effort. There are only some very occasional commits in kmameleon, kdom, unsermake, kaxul and pixieplus.

I would like to suggest that the maintainers of these apps tell me what they want to do with their application. See 1) for details.

I would like to make this cleanup known by posting to this ml and kde-devel and a blog where I call every maintainer of applications in kdenonbeta to contact me if they don't want to go to /tags/unmaintained/3. Is this an acceptable workflow? 

Without objections, I'll proceed like this next friday.


1) Options are: move to /trunk/playground if you want to start porting or started already, /branches/extragear/kde3 if it needs to stay for a while and all other stuff can go to /tags/unmaintained/3/

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