Release schedule clarifications

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Thu Oct 25 11:55:44 BST 2007

On 25.10.07 04:05:22, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> draging a rather large digital clock applet all around the desktop for 10-15s 
> results in plasma taking .3% cpu, and taking 5-8%. doing the same with 
> a dolphin window of comparable size results in taking 15% of my cpu.

Hmm, I find it rather strange that our experiences differ that much. I
wonder wether you've got any acceleration stuff activated on your
machine, like XRender, Composite - dunno what of that QGV uses. Here its
the Xorg nv driver with absolutely 0 acceleration stuff. 

I guess I'll try the binary driver this weekend if I have some time and
see how things improve.


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