kwin default window button order.

Lubos Lunak l.lunak at
Wed Nov 21 14:06:45 GMT 2007

On Wednesday 21 of November 2007, Thomas Zander wrote:
> On Wednesday 21 November 2007 13:50:02 David Faure wrote:
> > I'm not against separating them a bit more, but I am definitely against
> > close being on the left by default
> I fully agree with that, and Aaron did too ;)
> Has some actual action been taken in svn by now?  I have not seen any real
> objections and lots of people supporting the initial suggestion.

 No, nothing has happened yet, besides Aaron committing the patch without 
changing the defaults. Right now it's waiting on me to make up my mind, read 
what others have said (your "lots" is 4, BTW, if I'm counting right, with 2 
people saying close on the right and 2 close on the left) and select the new 
layout if any (and hey, I had a weekend).

 I'll try with Aaron's setup until the end of the week to see how I like/hate 
it and then will either use it or just add the spacers. Bug me next week 
again if I forget and there's no change.

Lubos Lunak
KDE developer
SUSE LINUX, s.r.o.   e-mail: l.lunak at , l.lunak at
Lihovarska 1060/12   tel: +420 284 028 972
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