make khtml/misc/decoder.* public

Olaf Schmidt ojschmidt at
Mon Mar 5 15:20:43 GMT 2007

[ Anders Lund, Mo., 5. Mär. 2007 16:05 ]
> That is not possible. We may be able to suggest a *compatible* encoding.

My suggestion would be a warning dialogue that allows the user to select a 
compatible encoding, and that defaults to the encoding used in the meta data 
(unless there is a conflict).

> (Any encoding claimed by the file only might be correct, even if we look
> for it)

If the encoding claimed by the file is invalid, then there should always be a 
warning. For example, if I open an HTML file that claims to be latin1 but 
actually uses utf8, then Kate should warn me (even if my system default is 


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