LTR/RTL paths

Hans Meine hans_meine at
Sun Aug 26 19:23:54 BST 2007

On Sonntag 26 August 2007, Alon Bar-Lev wrote:
> Hi!
> On 8/26/07, Rafael Fernández López <ereslibre at> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Playing with "theapplication -reverse" I have seen that when we go to an
> > open dialog or we talk about a path, it is shown as it were a LTR
> > language. With this I mean, we always have:
> >
> > /home/ereslibre/whatever/thefolder/thefile.txt
> >
> > While on RTL languages what makes sense to me is having:
> >
> > txt.thefile/thefolder/whatever/ereslibre/home/
> >
> > What's more. If we are completely fair, we should have:
> >
> > txt.thefile\thefolder\whatever\ereslibre\home\
> yes.

Really, what about txt.thefile?  I expect this to be quite problematic.
E.g. does "myimage.gray.xcf.bz2" 
become "bz2.myimage.gray.xcf", "bz2.xcf.myimage.gray", 
or "bz2.xcf.gray.myimage"?  I would leave these alone.

> The difference is the explicit paragraph direction.
> The path fields should be displayed in RTL paragraph direction, the
> difference comes from the paragraph direction. Just like any editbox
> with RTL paragraph direction...

Wouldn't this simply reverse the whole string?  Anyhow, I should shut up 
because RTL decisions should obviously be made by those using RTL..

Ciao, /  /                                                    .o.
     /--/                                                     ..o
    /  / ANS                                                  ooo
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