Endian bug in KNetwork::KIpAddress

Nadeem Hasan nhasan at nadmm.com
Sat Jul 22 13:36:26 BST 2006

On Saturday 22 July 2006 04:50, you wrote:
> Calling ntohl should be preferred in the isClass* functions, since it
> wouldn't change the address data, that other sections of code must be
> using already.
> I have no development environment here either. I cannot do any changes.

Ok...I have a near blind patch attached. It compiles, but I cannot verify that 
it actually works (though it should). I would really like this fix to get 
into 3.5.4 so If someone can give me a green light, I will commit.

Nadeem Hasan (nhasan-at-nadmm.com)
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