New Prosal [was Re: policy change related to kdelibs snapshots]

Clarence Dang dang at
Wed Jul 12 08:40:13 BST 2006

On Wednesday 12 July 2006 04:57, Dirk Mueller wrote:
> On Tuesday 11 July 2006 18:55, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> > personally ...... i don't see the problem with app developers simply not
> > updating kdelibs so bloody often. keep your libs and other modules old
> > and just work on your own stuff, and update everything every few weeks. a
> > little self-discipline would go a _long_ way here.
> The problem is that they can't commit when they don't update beforehand
> (assuming that there has been something ported against this particular
> application).

I just svn update, keep a patch of the app port commits and revert it locally 
so that the app still compiles without a kdelibs update.  I re-apply the 
patch when I want to commit.

I only update kdelibs when the changes are so big that they cause conflicts or 
other annoyances.

And I actually port against trunk/KDE/kdelibs/, not the snapshot (yes, I 
hacked the cmake file; I should be shot etc.), as:

1. I might want to put some tiny changes into trunk/kdelibs
2. I don't update regularly so in effect, trunk and the snapshot are 
3. I don't have the disk space nor CPU time for 2 branches

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