Naming projects and libraries (was: Re: New special effects library)

Zack Rusin zack at
Tue Dec 19 13:22:39 GMT 2006

On Tuesday 19 December 2006 07:52, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
> I think both Zack and Thomas are right.
> I agree with Zack that having names like Phonon, Decibel etc. in the code
> is not really helpful. Especially if these names are in basic foundation
> libraries, and not some optional third party code.
> But I think with Thomas, that instead of naming e.g. the project "Solid"
> the "KDE Hardware Abstraction Layer" project is not cool, too.
> So what about using descriptive, simple, nonmystic names in the code, and
> mystic, cool names for the projects developing them?

Yeah, I agree with you. I just want to make clear that it's not that I'm 
against naming libraries anyway people want, I'd just prefer avoid doing that 
for my libs (and i've done it before, e.g. Sonnet and the reasoning there was 
that I didn't want to call it 
KSpell3WithAdditionOfDefinitionsAndGrammarChecking :) ). 
If someone else likes it great, I expressed my opinion and that's all.


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