KAction: kill all convenience methods

Andreas Hartmetz ahartmetz at gmail.com
Mon Dec 11 19:15:52 GMT 2006

You got the message across much better with less words :)
If nobody finds some very good reasons to keep this old stuff, I am
going to make the change next monday.
At least we CAN remove things from time to time.
Guillaume: The talk you mentioned is very good, I like it.
Everybody should watch it.


2006/12/11, Guillaume Laurent <glaurent at telegraph-road.org>:
> On Monday 11 December 2006 05:11, Matt Rogers wrote:
> >
> > The purpose of convenience methods is to make it easier on the user to use
> > a piece of API. How does removing these convenience methods affect the
> ease
> > of use of the API?
> By making it much easier to find what call you need to use.
> > What about the other 5% of the use cases that aren't
> > well served by the normal version of the calls with default parameters?
> > What are they supposed to do?
> They write a bit more code.
> > So far, I'm not convinced.
> Try watching this talk (by a guy working at Google), very worthwhile :
> http://www.infoq.com/presentations/effective-api-design
> --
> Guillaume.
> http://telegraph-road.org

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