please update to cmake 2.4.3

Mirko Boehm mirko at
Fri Aug 25 08:22:20 BST 2006

On Wednesday 16 August 2006 09:06, Benjamin Meyer wrote:
> Any chance of putting this off a few more weeks?  Perhaps till after
> akadamy?   Having one less piece of software that we have to build manually
> ourselves means a lot for anyone starting up from scratch.

since cmake is an external dependency that will be smacked over our heads by 
everybody in the outside world as soon as we release anything with it, how 
about that:

We build a bootstrap step into the configure or make phase of the packages 
that use *qmake* to download and install the required cmake locally. The step 
should be fairly simple, and qmake is always there. 

I know this requires a working network connection et cetera, but it gives us 
an argument towards potential complainers. And also, it rids *us* of a 
potential manual step everytime cmake updates. 


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