Patch on ksnapshot

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Fri Aug 18 21:03:34 BST 2006

On Friday 18 August 2006 12:57, Marcus Hufgard (Kalkwerk Hufgard GmbH) wrote:
> We need this funktion absolutly

absolutely? *sigh* i think i hear the feature bloat parade coming by.

if this absolutely positively must go in, then perhaps we can make a 
compromise or two:

a) replace the print button with this functionality. rational: printing is not 
a common snapshot action and can be done (and probably better) from the 
editor once launched.

b) how about not using a full dialog for this but provide a button with a drop 
down attached.. when the user clicks on the button they would get the drop 
down showing their options and they can select from there. one can add 
an "Other..." option that then pops up the standard dialog using 
KRun::displayOpenWithDialog (it's in kio)


Aaron J. Seigo
Undulate Your Wantonness
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