[patch] kdelibs/cmake/modules/kde4_exec_via_sh.cmake

Ismail Onur Filiz onurf at su.sabanciuniv.edu
Thu Aug 3 20:30:33 BST 2006


On Thursday 03 August 2006 12:02, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
> Hi,
> while having had problems to get kxml_compiler in kdepim to run in a fresh
> environment with no old installs I found a strange string for
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the wrapper script. And once aware of it I found it in
> all wrapper scripts. Try to find it yourself:
> grep "LIBRARY_PATH+" build --include="*.sh" -R
> It should look like this (care for "${LD_LIBRARY_PATH+:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"):
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/koder/Programmieren/kdesvn/trunk/KDE/build.debug/kdep
> "/home/koder/Programmieren/kdesvn/trunk/KDE/build.debug/kdepim/kode/kxml_co
>mpiler/kxml_compiler" "$@"
> Attatched is a patch which could be solving this problem. I have close to
> no knowledge about our buildsystem, especially the old line in the file
> made zero sense to me, so please tell if the patch is fine.
> All I know is: It worked for me (tm).
> Okay to commit?

I don't know the details of the file but how about just replacing '+:' with ':
+' in the original file? It looks like it's referring to the shell parameter 
expansion phenomenon ${parameter:+word} as seen in 'man bash', just with a 


> Friedrich

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