KDE 4 namespaces

Richard Moore richmoore44 at gmail.com
Fri May 13 12:02:19 BST 2005

On 5/9/05, Christian Stoitner <Christian.Stoitner at gmx.net> wrote: 
> and you realy think K::Class oder Kde::Class or KdeCore::Class is so much
> harder to understand than KClass?

 And now we have lots of possible names for the same class. That is a pain 
in the ass.

everyone who ever coded with stl knows namespaces. so every c++ programmer
> should be able to combine the stl way of using namespaces with the qt way 
> of
> writing apis ;).

 In general we don't use STL in KDE. I don't think we want people thinking 
its crappy
naming conventions are a good idea!
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