KDE 4 namespaces

Thiago Macieira thiago at kde.org
Mon May 9 13:11:53 BST 2005

David Faure wrote:
>On Monday 09 May 2005 13:27, Thiago Macieira wrote:
>> In the case of KIO, I'd like to see the ioslave-related classes moved
>> to another library. There's no need for SlaveBase, TCPSlaveBase &
>> family to be in applications.
>(Not sure what "family" is, I think there's only both SlaveBase classes)

Read: the other ioslave-specific classes.

>Given that kioslaves and apps are all forked by kdeinit, isn't faster to
>have *SlaveBase in kio, rather than opening a new lib for every forked
> slave?

Maybe. But, then again, is it worth the performance decrease? If it's a 
small library, the impact won't be great, while we gain in size for 

Another possibility is for kdeinit to open that library as well. Maybe we 
could improve kdeinit by having a "ioslave-like" instance open, with less 
libraries (namely, libkdeui and libkonq). The effect would be smaller 
memory size.

  Thiago Macieira  -  thiago (AT) macieira (DOT) info
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4. And æfter se scieppend ingelogode, he wrát "cenn", ac eala! se 
rihtendgesamnung andswarode "cenn: ne wát hú cennan 'eall'. Ástynt."
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