KToogleAction not working?

Albert Astals Cid astals11 at terra.es
Sun Jan 2 21:26:13 GMT 2005

Hi, Enrico Ros have spoted the problem, if you revert to that files

cvs up -r 1.321 kaction.cpp
cvs up -r 1.185 kaction.h
cvs up -r 1.81 ktoolbarbutton.cpp
cvs up -r 1.37 ktoolbarbutton.h
cvs up -r 1.346 kactionclasses.cp

The radioactions and toogleactions inside kpdf work, my old sample code does 
not but the new i send does work (missed the actionCollection bit i supose).

Can anyone with deeper KAction knowledge try to fix it?


Albert and Enrico

A Diumenge 02 Gener 2005 21:04, Ingo Klöcker va escriure:
> On Sunday 02 January 2005 19:40, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> > Hi, today we saw several problems with KToggleAction in kpdf so i
> > made a simple test to send here and see if it is our code problem or
> > is that KToggleAction got weird.
> >
> > The sample code creates a KToogleAction and 3 KRadioActions, the
> > errors i see are:
> >  - The KRadioAction does not get "checked" the first time i click on
> > it, then it works
> >  - The KRadioActions never get checked
> >
> > Do you see the same? Or should i recompile all my kdelibs?
> I'm using an older KDE_3_3_BRANCH version of kdelibs. Here the
> KRadioAction is checked the first time I click on it. Further clicking
> unchecks/checks it. The KRadioActions are all checked when first
> clicked, but they remain checked when another one is checked and thus
> can't be unchecked.
> Regards,
> Ingo
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