Future of KDE Development [Now]

Benjamin Meyer ben at meyerhome.net
Thu Feb 17 02:45:11 GMT 2005

> - Qt4 port

One thing that I have been slowly trying to do is to migrate what can be 
migrated now, while still being Qt/KDE3 compatible.

For example:
-Removing foo.ui.h files
-Removing all QString::null
-Changing from QPtrlist -> QValueList (Guess this one is kinda optional)
-Change QCString to be QByteArray or QString depending upon what it does
-Compiling with NO_COMPAT and updating function calls that have been renamed

There are of course more (feel free to reply and list more), but without a 
doubt a lot of work can be done today for Qt/KDE4 that is still Qt/KDE3 
compatible.  The majority of these are simple fixes, but they are still work 
that can be done today without making a branch in cvs etc.

-Benjamin Meyer

aka icefox
Public Key: http://www.icefox.net/public_key.asc

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