Avoiding Problems by Avoiding Decisions

Ingo Klöcker kloecker at kde.org
Tue May 18 20:56:29 BST 2004

On Tuesday 18 May 2004 16:30, Andreas Pour wrote:
> Ingo Klöcker wrote:
> > But why categorize timezones at all by
> > countries/flags/cities? Why don't we simply replace this by a
> > KHalfIntegralNumInput and let the user select the offset of UTC?
> >
> > Or the keyboard layout selection. Currently a nice flag with an
> > overlayed country code is shown. What do you want to do about
> > layouts like de_DE, de_CH and de_AT if the flags are removed? They
> > would be all displayed as "de".
> Actually one would display them as "de_DE", "de_CH", etc. in short
> form and "Deutsch (Deutschland)", "Deutsch (Schweiz)", etc. (or
> however the keyboards are described by the manufacturers) in long
> form.

So you prefer a dull de_DE in the system tray (not to mention that de_DE 
would be hardly readable being shrunk to 22x22 pixel to fit into the 
system tray).

> > And what about the kids? Did you think about the kids? They will no
> > longer see all those nice colorful flags and ask what country they
> > represent. But that's good, right? Because then you won't risk your
> > kid asking inconvenient questions about country Foo that you have a
> > problem with.
> If you want a geography program for your kid, there are different
> ones available

But there will never be one from KDE because it could never be PC.

> :-).  This is IMO a make-weight argument.

No, it was a tongue-in-cheek argument.

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