kde-cvs mailinglist reorganization

Benjamin Meyer ben at meyerhome.net
Tue Sep 9 14:42:06 BST 2003

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On Tuesday 09 September 2003 9:13 am, Rob Kaper wrote:
> I have 10,000 unread messages in kde-cvs and it bothers me. I realize I
> could set up client-side filters, but that would still be a waste of
> bandwith for both me and KDE.
> A couple of the options that have crossed my mind (and were briefly
> discussed on the bus to Frankfurt from N7Y and previously on this list):
> - Have extra mailinglists per module. This doesn't mean kde-cvs as is needs
>   to go, as it'll still be ALL in CVSROOT/loginfo, but it allows for
>   smaller distributions channels alongside the existing one. In fact,
>   Atlantik commits are already also sent to atlantik-cvs at mail.kde.org. This
>   is - safe for the extra mailinglist administration - by far the easiest
> to maintain and configure.
> - Replace kde-cvs mailinglist software with our own mail injection
>   application that allows for server-side filtering per user. More work,
>   more flexible. It's the perfect solution but it would require hard work
>   and dedication, while regression is a serious risk.

[snip] this is the reason why I don't subscribe.  Just too much flooded your 
way.  Setting up a per user regexp would be the best solution (for me).  That 
way someone with * would get everything like it is nwo, but somone else that 
only worked on KPaint could have only that in their regexp and then they 
would only those e-mails.  This way we can keep the single mailinglist, but 
developers can trim down what the server sends them saving time/bandwidth.  
Of course if something like this isn't even feasible, never mind :)

- -Benjamin Meyer 

- -- 
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