KDE 3.0.1 schedule

F@lk Brettschneider falk.brettschneider at gmx.de
Sun May 5 17:03:26 BST 2002

John Birch wrote:

>On Sun, 05 May 2002 00:58, Dirk Mueller wrote:
>>BTW, how long is this "kdevelop for KDE 2.2" thing going to stay ? We never
>>ever before provided packages for KDE versions that are no longer the
>>latest stable recommendation.
>This branch is only open for bug fixes now. All new development should be in 
>head (and for kde3.x)
>There will still be many people on kde2 installs that can use a better ide 
>than our previous version, particularly those using kde commericially. The 
>conflicts to support both were pretty trivial.
All betas and release candidates of KDE-3 provided also the KDE2-rpm of 
So the KDevelop team promised the 2.2 version of the rpm also for KDE-3 
final. After the KDE-3-final release many people were disappointed. :-(

I think we wont need another KDE-2 rpm-version after KDE-3.0.1 is out 
because the majority of users usually switch after one of the first 
bugfix versions after a KDE-x.0.0 release. Our KDE-2 version is just to 
bridge this time for the developers which need/must to stay on an old 
KDE version.

So I again ask for the KDE-2 rpm-packages of KDevelop-2.0.1 for the 
KDE-3.0.1 release.
 It will be the last KDevelop version that supports KDE-2.

Thanks in advance for your help.
F at lk

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