A kdeui candidate?

Anders Lund anders at alweb.dk
Thu Jun 6 12:46:40 BST 2002

Hi everyone,

Atthatched is a widget that I wrote with kdeui in mind.

It is a generic implementation of a pretty common configuration dialog widget: 
two listboxes with moving arrows, allowing to choose some out of a set of 
available items and organize the order.

I wrote the widget because I have found myself doing it 3 times during the 
last few months, and since it is a complex widget, I thought having a generic 
class would be nice. Using it saves anyone from having to implement the 
moving, which is of cause a minimum, but thiw implementation also takes care 
of correctly enabling buttons, has keyboard support, and reacts to double 

Using a generic class also provides an equal look and feel whereever the 
functionality is required. There is at least 4 different implementations in 
kdebase at the moment, and they are all different.

I tried to add enough options to make the widget a suefull dropin in all 
places, which should allready be possible with a single exception 
(kaddressbook fields, where a combobox is used for grouping available items). 
I plan to add an option to add widgets to the layout next.

I have also provided properties suitable for a designer plugin, and the widget 
should be "designable" as it is, though I didn't get to testing that yet.

I have put the widget in kdebase/kate/app for now, as I use it in the kate 
config dialog (file selector page), but if you agree, I would like to see it 
in kdeui. I will of cause maintain it, and I am also willing to provide the 
work for kedittoolbar and kaddressbook to use it.

Please let me know of any comments.

NOTE I am not subscribed to kde-core-devel, so please cc any comments to me, 
and please keep this not in the tread. My email is anders at alweb.dk

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