Registry editor

Zack Rusin zackrat at
Sun Apr 28 02:19:49 BST 2002

On Saturday 27 April 2002 09:24,  Chris Howells wrote:
> I wanted to write a tool that would make the life of a sysadmin
> adminstering KDE easier. With a tiny bit of work, I think that this 
> tool could do the job nicely.

Hmm, yes, such a tool would be very usefull. Here's my suggestion make 
the application use a couple tabs, registry editor should be just one 
part of many composing that application, others should possibly include 
: console tab - for easier ssh/telneting to controlled machines, KRfb 
session tab - admins can share X11 sessions with users having problems, 
high-tech technical support ;), apps control tab - e.g. for easier 
setting system wide bookmarks in Konqeuror or accounts in KMail without 
actually messing with the config files, only the very essential apps 
should be included here. The last one brings one important point, more 
applications should use "setDollarExpansion" in the config in order to 
make this tool really useable. For example lots of universities nowdays 
upload config files to workstations once a user logs in, and delete 
everything the user downloaded/created during the logout. If at least 
the core apps had a dollar sign expansion set in configs doing the same 
thing with KDE config files would be trivial (users login onto any 
workstation on the network, and we copy the few rc files, in seconds 
users got KMail and Konqueror working without doing anything - no 
hassle, no problem, all happy ;) ) . I just made KMail use dollar sign 
expansion. Oh, and the application should of course also be able to 
create a skel dir and possibly adduser.conf.

> > a control center module and doesn't warn you when you try to change
> Please no! Stand alone executable, IMHO.


> > I personally wanted. Let me know what you think. Oh, and of course
> > a mandatory "how does it look like" thingy:
> Source code available? ;)

Trying to insult me, aren't you? ;) Source code - yeah, phone line or 
any other form of usable  internet connection - no (and I do _not_ 
consider using my cell phone a viable option for sending apps). I'll be 
moving this Thursday and I'm already sitting on boxes without a phone 
line. So the earliest I can send it to people who want it is Monday. I 
was just wondering would anyone be interested in helping me out with 
this one, because if so, then it would probably be a better idea to 
upload that sucka right to a CVS server, either sf or kdenonbeta. 
Personally I'd prefer kdenonbeta, but it's not my call, and it seems 
like there's a rather large amount of apps in there (you guys do have a 
limited server space don't you ;) ).


Jesus saves...Passes to Gretzky...Gretzky shoots...He SCORES! 

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