[kde-community] Proposal: KDE Manifesto wording revision

Eike Hein hein at kde.org
Mon Nov 11 06:31:15 GMT 2013

> -  * Software assets access model
> -    * Direct write access to the software assets is granted only to KDE 
contributor accounts
> -    * Direct write access to the software assets is granted to all KDE 
contributor accounts
> +  * All KDE contributor accounts get direct (and universal) write access to 
the software assets

Wow - I struggle to put into words how much I am opposed
to this change. I just jumped up from the breakfast table
with breakfast uneaten in order to get to a keyboard as
fast as I could.

In my mind - based on experience as contributor, main-
tainer and for a period, sysadmin working on the contri-
butor account system - codifying the two halves that make
up our access model was the single most important accom-
plishment of the Manifesto process.

The access model is the basis for the trust dynamics,
shared ownership, shared responsibility and generally
contributor equality in our community. I believe it's
the key to why KDE, unlike many other FOSS communities,
has managed to become multi-generational, and I'd like
it to continue. Quite a lot on the first page of the
Manifesto flows from those two lines.

I urge everyone who can to go back to the original Mani-
festo discussions, where this was discussed at length.

What's the motivation for this change? Unwieldy lang-
uage? Then let's make it more elegant. But let's not
lose the meaning in the process, because _this stuff be


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