qt_phonon.pri and QMAKESPEC

Michael Jansen kde at michael-jansen.biz
Tue Feb 8 23:44:25 CET 2011


We currently have some problem for people that compile phonon with a distro 
qt. Phonon tries to install a file into the qt prefix. The file is named 
qt_phonon.pri and is according to thiago a sign of things to come namely some 
modularization in qt. But it is not yet there. Which means if it is not 
installed into qt's prefix there is no way to make qmake pick it up. QMAKESPEC 
does not work.

First i would like to have the agreement here that installing things outside 
of the prefix the user picked is wrong so i don't have to much discussion with 
the maintainer (tried to fix such stuff before). Especially since there is 
currently no way to make it work outside of the qt prefix.

Second i would like to raise awareness there is something that this is 
something that is possibly on the horizon for more kde modules. I have no clue 
what that file is for btw.

For now i make the phonon install that file into the phonon prefix where it 
will be forgotten and without effect in build-tool.


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