
Alexander Neundorf neundorf at kde.org
Thu Sep 3 20:02:38 CEST 2009

On Wednesday 02 September 2009, Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> On Tuesday 01 September 2009, Raphael Kubo da Costa wrote:
> > 2009/9/1 Dario Freddi <drf54321 at gmail.com>:
> > > In every application using KAuth. Should I just put some comments or
> > > there's a syntax for that? usage guide is already in the kauth
> > > MainPage.dox
> >
> > All CMake files in kdelibs should have documentation at the top,
> > basically describing what it does and what variables are set. Just
> > take a look at the other files in the same directory ;)
> Also, this file is now already in kdelibs, but I didn't find anything else
> kauth related in kdelibs/cmake/modules/. What am I missing ?

Ok, I missed that kauth is a subdir in kdecore/.

So kauth is part of the kdecore library. This means that it is available for 
every user of kdelibs. 
This means that the macros necessary for it should be directly in 
Please add the two macros there, add the names of the macros to the list of 
macros at the top of KDE4Macros.cmake and add full documentation of the 
macros at the top of FindKDE4Internal.cmake.

Now that it is part of kdecore the searching for the installed files is not 
really necessary anymore.
kauth/dbus_service.stub and kauth/dbus_policy.stub will be installed to 
${DATA_INSTALL_DIR}, which is ${KDE4_DATA_INSTALL_DIR}  for everybody outside 
So you can basically just use ${KDE4_DATA_INSTALL_DIR}/kauth/dbus_service.stub 
and ${KDE4_DATA_INSTALL_DIR}/kauth/dbus_policy.stub directly in the macros 
(we also don't check for the existence of every single installed other file 
of kdelibs, like e.g. every single header).
If you really want to be sure, you can use
          NAMES kauth/dbus_policy.stub 
if(EXISTS ${KDE4_DATA_INSTALL_DIR}/kauth/dbus_policy.stub)
to check whether the file really does exist (but it shouldn't be necessary).
The proper way to check that would be to increase the kdelibs version number 
and require the appropriate version in the KDE modules needing kauth.

The executable kauth-policy-gen should be handled like e.g. meinproc4.
This means when installing it, it should be added to 
the "export-set" "kdelibsToolsTargets", which is a set of targets which 
are "exported" into a special cmake file which is installed when installing 
kdelibs (see bottom of kdelibs/CMakeLists.txt). Then later on in 
FindKDE4Internal.cmake the LOCATION property of the then imported target 
should be used to set KDE4_KDE4_KAUTH_POLICY_GEN (which should be renamed to 

The file MacroKAuth.cmake can then be removed. To give people a hint why their 
build suddenly breaks if the still have include(MacroKAuth) somewhere, you 
can replace the contents of MacroKAuth.cmake for some time with just:

message(FATAL_ERROR "Don't include(MacroKAuth) anymore, it's now included in 


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