Policy for extragear / playground folders

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Fri Aug 28 20:18:19 CEST 2009

On 28.08.09 17:18:47, Michael Jansen wrote:
> I'm compiling quite a bit of kde with my own scripts. I prefer to compile 
> smaller packages for convenience. While doing that i noticed we don't have a 
> policy for directories like:
>   http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/playground/devtools
>   http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/playground/base/plasma/applets/

Ok, so people working in there can do whatever they want.

> Some of the directories in there compile standalone. Others do not. Which 
> leads to some frustrating compile sessions. As you can easily imagine having 
> the luck to checkout a plasma/applets version where all those applets compile 
> is rather rare.
> In devtools for example icemon and cmake do not compile standalone. icemon 
> depens on cmake too. Most of the kdevelop plugins compile standalone.
> So i would like to make all of the subdirectories in there compile standalone 
> and remove everything but add_subdirectory from the base dirs.

I object. playground is for people to play around, there shouldn't be
any rules they have to adhere to. If you want something that always
builds you want extragear.


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