bksys / scons (Re: win32 port)

Nagy Thomas tnagy256 at yahoo.fr
Sat Jan 7 14:10:27 CET 2006

> All in all, I'm not sure how the collaboration with
> the scons people goes - whether
> we can contribute a much improved configuration
> framework, or whether the
> only choice is to keep forking more and more stuff.
> And that's only about the
> configuration part, but apparently ita is reworking
> the rest of scons too... ?

Some refactoring cannot harm.

> ita, did you talk to the scons people about those
> improvements?

I did, and our requirements (like 'a good
configuration framework') are wanted by many other
people too. Scons is throttled by backward
compatibility, and its (now very low) amount of
developers with commit access.

For people who have not followed here is a summary of
the main issues with bksys/scons at the moment (i am a
bit negative):
* performance for incremental builds must be improved
* the source code of scons must be kept compatable to
python 1.5.2
* command-line handling is not compatible with
autotools and difficult to fix
* libtool-like library support is difficult to make
* progressbar for monitoring targets being build is
almost impossible to add
* detection of headers, libraries and programs could
be improved
* control over the scheduler is None

Replacing the scons engine in bkys may have more
benefits than just patching scons and i am
investigating on this. Though the code is not ready
yet (so there is nothing to try or port to win32 for
the very moment), some specs can be reviewed:
playground/devtools/miniscons/experimental/DESIGN &&


/* Thomas Nagy */


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