<html><body><div style="color:#000; background-color:#fff; font-family:times new roman, new york, times, serif;font-size:12pt"><div>The attached patch helps to easier build Qyoto on the mac. Instructions follow:<br></div><div><br></div><div>1. Install XCode to get GCC and the other tools;</div><div>2. Install the Qt libraries (not the SDK - it contains only 64-bit Qt with which Qyoto fails because Mono is 32-bit only);</div><div>3. Check out <a href="https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/kdebindings/smoke/smokegen">smokegen</a>, <a href="https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/kdebindings/smoke/smokeqt">smokeqt</a> and <a href="https://gitorious.org/assemblygen">assemblygen</a>;</div><div>4. Download CMake - the building procedure for each component is generate with CMake and use sudo make install;<br></div><div>4. Build smokegen ();</div><div>5. Build smokeqt:</div><div><span class="tab"> - set </span><span
class="st">CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES (or something like this) to "i386" (that's again because of the 32-bit Mono);</span></div><div><span class="tab"> - when making you'll encounter 3 errors in x_13.cpp about fromDRNRegion, toDRNRegion, something like this; these are not supported on 32-bit and hence the problem; to work around this open x_13.cpp and delete the methods x_51, x_52 and x_53 and their usages and then make again (it will pass but because </span><span class="tab">x_13.cpp is generated you'll have to repeat this step should you decide to rebuild</span><span class="tab">).</span></div><div><span class="tab">6. Apply the attached patch (if not applied already) to assemblygen;</span></div><div><span class="tab">7. Open assemblygen/src/plugins/qyoto/QyotoTranslator.cs and add the following entries:</span><span class="tab"><br> { "QCoreXmlStreamReader", delegate { throw new
NotSupportedException(); } },<br> { "QDeclarativeListProperty", delegate { throw new NotSupportedException(); } },<br></span></div><div><span class="tab"> to typeCodeMap; </span><span class="tab">QCoreXmlStreamReader fails because of some Qt Mac #define </span><span class="tab"></span><span class="tab">QXmlStreamReader </span><span class="tab"></span><span class="tab">QCoreXmlStreamReade, don't know how to fix yet;</span></div><div><span class="tab">8. Open assemblygen/assemblies/qyoto-qtsql/CMakeLists.txt, find -r:qyoto-qtcore.dll and add -r:qyoto-qtgui.dll (this applies universally, will send a patch some time);</span></div><div><span class="tab">9. Build assemblygen and Qyoto.<br></span></div></div></body></html>