Hi, I've been looking around *quite some time* for bindings for Qt4 and C# and the only one I found was the "dead" qtsharp project until today that I found about the qyoto / kimono project which looks very promising.
<br>First of all I'd like to thank anybody who is working on it. It's just great to know that we will be able to create KDE / Qt programs using .NET. It is just amazing! <br>I want to start coding but I can't find any documentation or packages or a webpage with information about it. I found the code in the SVN repositories but I wasn't able to compile it. I'm looking for any "how to compile" or any kind of documentation to start coding.
<br>I'm also a Webdeveloper and I would like to get involved with the project. I will be able to create a portal for the project (a webpage, a wiki, forums, etc) if it doesn't exist already. Please let me know how to help.
<br><br>Sincerely,<br><br>David Canar<br>