smokegen on clang - next steps

Chris Burel chrisburel at
Fri Dec 23 17:07:17 UTC 2016

Hey guys,
I've been doing some work to get PerlQt to work with Qt5, and this means
getting smoke to build with Qt 5, which means getting c++11 support.  To
that end, I've made a version of smokegen that is built on top of LLVM's
libAST, and I have smoke libraries compiling and working for QtCore, QtGui,
and QtWidgets.  I have test builds for a bunch of different Qt, Clang, and
Perl versions working too:

I haven't done a comprehensive comparison of the output of my new
clang-based smokegen tool versus the old one for the Qt4 libraries, but it
should produce the same library.

I've been working on a fork from the KDE repos, that I've been keeping in
github (because it lets me do non-fast-forward pushes, which is disabled
for the KDE repo).  The code is here:

I'm thinking of pushing these changes to the KDE repos and making a
reviewboard post for the smokegen and smokeqt changes.

So, does anyone use smokeqt anymore?  Is anyone interested in taking a look
to see if my implementation of smokegen with llvm is legit?

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