[Kde-bindings] KSharedConfig multiple matches

David Palacio dpalacio at uninorte.edu.co
Fri Jan 29 00:07:17 UTC 2010

$ irb                                 
irb(main):001:0> kdeapp                                                        
=> #<KDE::Application:0x7ff8a870b158 objectName="irb">
irb(main):002:0> Qt.debug_level = 2
=> 2
irb(main):003:0> KDE::Global.config.group 'Recent'
classname    == KGlobal
:: method == config
-> methodIds == [#<Qt::Internal::ModuleIndex:0x7ff8962612b8 @smoke=8, 
candidate list:
        static KSharedPtr<KSharedConfig> KGlobal::config()  (smoke: 8 index: 
matching => smoke: 8 index: 1343
match => 1343 score: 0
Resolved to id: 1343
setCurrentMethod(smokeList index: 8, meth index: 1343)
classname    == KSharedConfig
:: method == group
-> methodIds == [#<Qt::Internal::ModuleIndex:0x7ff896260a70 @smoke=8, 
@index=489>, #<Qt::Internal::ModuleIndex:0x7ff896260a48 @smoke=8, @index=490>, 
#<Qt::Internal::ModuleIndex:0x7ff896260a20 @smoke=8, @index=492>, 
#<Qt::Internal::ModuleIndex:0x7ff8962609f8 @smoke=8, @index=493>]
candidate list:
        KConfigGroup KConfigBase::group(const QString&)              (smoke: 8 
index: 489)
        KConfigGroup KConfigBase::group(const char*)                 (smoke: 8 
index: 490)
        const KConfigGroup KConfigBase::group(const QString&) const  (smoke: 8 
index: 492)
        const KConfigGroup KConfigBase::group(const char*) const     (smoke: 8 
index: 493)
matching => smoke: 8 index: 489
      const QString& (s)
match => 489 score: 4
matching => smoke: 8 index: 490
      const char* (s)
match => 490 score: 1
matching => smoke: 8 index: 492
      const QString& (s)
multiple methods matching, this is an error
match => 492 score: 4
matching => smoke: 8 index: 493
      const char* (s)
match => 493 score: 1
TypeError: can't convert false into Integer
        from /home/kde/ruby/lib/Qt/qtruby4.rb:2725:in `findAllMethods'
        from /home/kde/ruby/lib/Qt/qtruby4.rb:2725:in `do_method_missing'
        from (irb):3:in `method_missing'
        from (irb):3
        from :0
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